‘You may not know your perfect: A blog for newly qualified edupeeps searching for their perfect.’
I can still remember 16 years ago to when I had qualified with my BEd degree. It was a long, hot summer and I had just moved all my uni stuff back home. I was excited to start my career. My very own class for the first time. Wow! The search was on for the ‘perfect’ job. That’s what we want, don’t we? The perfect job, in the perfect school to start our teaching career. It’s out there somewhere isn’t it? Surely the perfect job will come along and I’ll be sorted right? This is what I thought. I went for 3 or 4 jobs, got turned down for some and was lucky to be offered a couple of jobs, but for me they didn’t fit what I had in my head as ‘my perfect’ so I turned them down. Time went on, job adverts became less and it started to dawn on me that I needed a job quickly or else I wouldn’t have a job in September! Oh my goodness, not having a job in September would be a disaster! The end of the world! That’s what we think. I’...