Teamwork Makes The Dreamwork
During my 15 years as a teacher I have been blessed with being able to work with the most amazing teaching assistants. I know, as I’m sure you all do, that having a great teaching assistant working alongside you can make teaching and learning in the classroom so much better. Someone once said that ‘teamwork makes the dream work’ when talking about the successes of a school and I totally agree and believe this to be true on a daily basis in our classrooms. Having that person working with you who knows your ways, who knows what you’re thinking, who gives a little smile when you make an awful joke, who knows what you want from the children and who seamlessly works alongside you in delivering the objectives for the day is so powerful. The skills of a teaching assistant should not be (and I’m sure we don’t) underestimated or downplayed. It makes me sad when I see schools having no choice but to cut teaching assistant hours to be able to balance the books but th...