It’s Good To Talk
Imagine the scenario: a child has been taught regular online safety lessons by their teachers. So often the lessons go something like: ‘you mustn’t have a social media account until you’re 13’ ‘You should never send pictures on social media or as text messages that you wouldn’t want your gran to see’ ‘you can’t do this...never do this’ we focus a lot on the ‘legal’ side of things and the ‘don’ts’ but perhaps we need to think about the potential impact of this. This is something that came out of a conference I went on today. I’m not saying don’t teach them the don’ts but let’s think some more... So, why could this be a problem? Imagine the next scenario: the same child who has been taught the ‘do nots’ for years and years has been caught up in the moment and through peer pressure or just through exploration has sent a picture online they shouldn’t have done. Is that child going to come forward and talk to their teacher about it to try and get help? The answer is no. Remember, they’ve ...