Whole Class Feedback Q and A Some of the questions on here are very relevent to the general use of Whole Class Feedback, however some are specific to the systems we have in place at our school. Just to note: We are only trialling Whole Class Feedback currently. These are just my personal thoughts on how it's working for me after a term using it. I am no expert! Here is the WCF sheet I use: What is it? Whole Class Feedback is a move from regular marking in children’s books to more instant and specific feedback. Having used it for half a year now, it’s evident that the feedback the children are getting is much more effective than when I was writing lots in their books. A teacher will teach normally but the change is how they ‘mark’ the work. Using a Whole Class Feedback sheet the teacher looks through books making notes on a range of things (see sheet). The key is being specific i.e. feedback based on the learning object...